Conditions of Entry / Terms & Conditions


PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND if you are unwell with symptoms (even if mild) – runny nose, sore throat, loss of smell, fever, tiredness, headache, aches and pains, diarrhoea, shortness of breath etc. As part of the conditions of entry, SAJC, has the right to refuse entry or service and insist that anyone with COVID-19 symptoms leaves the racecourse immediately.

The SAJC has the right to refuse entry or service and insist that anyone with COVID-19 symptoms leaves the racecourse immediately. Adherence with all SAJC COVID-19 safety protocols.

It is a condition of entry that no Prohibited Goods are brought on to the racecourse premises. The following items are considered Prohibited Goods:

  • Alcoholic beverages:
  • Cameras or other devices capable of broadcast quality video recording (unless approved by the Club);
  • Glassware, BBQ’s, picnic tables, chairs, beach/market umbrellas, mobile structures and tents:
  • Sporting goods such as footballs or tennis balls;
  • Flares or other explosive or flammable goods or equipment;
  • Firearms, knives or any other object/item that in the opinion of the Club may be used as a weapon;
  • Laser pointers and any other device that in the opinion of the Club may interfere with horses;
  • Animals other than Assistance Dogs;
  • Flags, Banners and Placards; and
  • Any item or attire that may be considered offensive by the Club’s authorised representative.

Specifically, patrons are advised that SAJC does not allow for outside caterers to supply food and/or beverages at Morphettville Racecourse, unless they are any approved sub-contractor of the Club.

Food and non-alcoholic beverages may not be brought on course for the purpose of personal consumption. Due to Liquor Licensing requirements, alcohol may not be brought onto or taken off the premises at any time.

Please also note that it is a condition of entry to the racecourse premises that all bags and other carriers (such as drink coolers) are allowed to be searched for Prohibited Goods by the Club’s authorised representatives. The representatives will not allow Prohibited Goods to be brought on to the racecourse premises. The Club’s authorised representatives may also prohibit entry to the racecourse premised of any person found to be in the possession of Prohibited Goods.

Patrons refusing to be searched by the Club’s authorised representatives or who are in possession of Prohibited Goods will be refused entry and/or removed from the racecourse.

The Club also reserves the right to refuse entry and to remove any person that:

  • Behaves in a provocative, disorderly, insulting, offensive, objectionable or unsafe manner;
  • Engages or participates in any conduct, protest or demonstration that may disturb or offend others or which may disrupt or hinder proceedings;
  • Enters the course proper, parade rings, stables or area for the movements of horses without authorisation; and/or
  • Fails to immediately follow the direction of any official or Steward.

We are required by law to ensure that alcohol is consumed responsibly. In the interests of everyone’s safety and enjoyment, excessive alcohol consumption and/or irresponsible behaviour by individuals will be identified and controlled early.

Dress Standards apply to all areas of Morphettville Racecourse. Persons wearing attire (including costumes or fancy dress) that could be considered offensive, lewd, derogatory, unsafe or could reasonably be expected to give rise to indecent exposure may be refused entry or removed from the course. Footwear must be worn at all times.

Specific Dress Standards apply to some areas within the course, including (but not limited to) Members Areas, function rooms, the Diva Lounge and Diva Terrace. Persons not adhering to the relevant dress standard may be refused entry or removed from the relevant area. Costumes or fancy dress are not permitted in these areas.

Children aged 16 years and under must be accompanied by an adult at all times, including when entering the course.

A person may only take images of activities at the racecourse for personal use and must not make available any images for commercial exploitation, sale or distribution in any manner unless accredited by the Club or Racing SA. Where the Club or the Stewards reasonably suspect that images are being take for non-personal use, the person taking the images will be liable to immediate removal from the racecourse.

Patrons acknowledge that they may be photographed, filmed and/or recorded whilst at the Racecourse. Patrons expressly consent to the Club, Racing SA, and third parties authorised by the Club and/or Racing SA using, reproducing, publishing, broadcasting and distributing any photographs, sound recordings, visual footage and audio-visual footage created at the Racecourse (including without limitation, of Patrons) in any format and for any purpose whatsoever, including without limitation for promotional and marketing purposes, within and outside Australia, for an unlimited period of time, without restriction, and without compensation or payment of any kind.

Each Patron absolutely and irrevocably releases the Club, Racing SA and all third parties acting under their authority, from any claim or liability relating to the Material.

A person found breaching the Conditions of Entry is not entitled to a refund of any money paid for admission to the racecourse.

These measures are in the interest of patron safety and enjoyment, and the protection of the Intellectual Property of the Club and Racing Industry.

The co-operation of the public in assisting with these measures in greatly appreciated.

Terms & Conditions


Please see below our Terms & Conditions for Race Day Packages and Tickets.

  1. Conditions of entry apply, persons under 18 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult, see for full conditions of entry.
  2. This ticket will be required for entry into the course and your package area. Wristbands (where
    applicable) must be worn and visable at all times. Security reserves the right to refuse entry.
  3. The SAJC holds no responsibility for lost or stolen ticketing.
  4. The following conditions are both of sales (including any resale or subsequent assignment) and conditions of attendance at the Event:
    4.1. No refund or exchange on any tickets except as required by law and as otherwise specified by the seller. If a refund is made the SAJC may, to the extent permitted by law retain any fee it has charged.
    4.2. The right is reserved to add, withdraw, reschedule or substitute artists and /or vary advertised
    programs, prices, venues, seating arrangements and audience capacity.
    4.3. It may be a condition of entry to individual events that a search of person and/or their possessions will be required at the time of the entry to the venue.
    4.4. Entry may be refused if tickets are damaged or defaced in any way or are not purchased from the SAJC or other authorised points of sale.
    4.5. Tickets may not, without the prior written consent of the SAJC and the seller, be resold or offered for resale at a premium (including via on-line auction sites) or used for advertising, promotion or other commercial purposes (including competitions and trade promotions) or to enhance the demand for other goods or services, either by the original purchaser or any subsequent bearer. If a ticket is sold or used in breach of this condition, the ticket may be cancelled without a refund and the bearer of the ticket may be refused admission.
    4.6. GST will apply to all goods and services supplied through this site. Prices on this site include GST where applicable.
    4.7. Where concessions applicable, suitable and valid identification must be provided for collection of tickets at the venue.
  5. Scalping Warning. The resale of tickets in certain circumstances is governed by ticket sales legislation and may attract criminal penalties.
  6. Bookings of less than ten may be required to share a table.
  7. No guarantees are given with regards to table location in your package area.
  8. Should a race day be abandoned less than seven days prior to or during the booked race day, no refunds will be made.
  9. SAJC, has the right to refuse entry or service and insist that anyone with COVID-19 symptoms leaves the racecourse immediately.

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