More Transformation

More Transformation…

There’s more to Morphettville than ever before, and yet still more to come! Keep updated during this time of significant transformation and share in the excitement and anticipation as we work to achieve our vision of being South Australia’s premier destination for racing, events and entertainment 365 days a year.

Grandstand Level 2 refurbishment

Update from CEO, Grant Mayer

Thursday September 12, 2024

Transformation of the Level 2 Grandstand member areas is progressing well with windows being installed on the back side of the Grandstand allowing in more natural light, a kitchen upgrade in progress, ceiling and wall linings starting to go in, and furniture has been ordered.

The Club has been working tirelessly with Studio Nine Architects to bring to life a top-class Level 2 product and elevated member facilities in line with contemporary expectations of a premier metropolitan racecourse.

Please see artists impression renders below.

These refurbishments are taking place within a 45-year-old Grandstand, a building which at this age is some wear and tear. As a result, planned updgrade works will be taking place over the coming weeks where sheeting will start to be removed and replaced while the Grandstand façade comes out and interior refurbishment continues.

The re-opening date for Level 2 is early next year in plenty of time for the Adelaide Cup.

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